Is this a bust?
Since I'm so fond of starting new journals, I thought I would set one up here. Maybe I'll keep it up, maybe not. In the meantime, here's my bio, in list form for easy perusal:
- 27 year old guy living in sunny Denver, Colorado
- enjoys writing and drawing
- goes to the coffee shop quite frequently
- going back to school in two months to get a BFA in communication design
- already have a BA in art history
- worked all sorts of random jobs, from officework to retail to reception at the Arvada High School class of 1984 20th class reunion to working in my high school cafeteria
- used to aim to be a living, breathing epitome of irony; now not so much
- struggling with my personal identity: I feel like I've "lost" a part of my creative self
- obsessed with: Super Mario Bros. games, Sandra Bernhard, scrapbooking supplies, Dannii Minogue, reading nonfiction books, and feng shui
- transferred to the MN Arts High School for my junior and senior years; probably the most amazing thing to happen to me
- dating a computer programmer/musician/prankster, Jason
- live in a fancy smancy studio apartment with a clydesdale-esque upstairs neighbor
- only partially employed for the last two months, which I have love/hate feelings about
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