getting it right

14 May 2006

school daze
I start school in slightly over two weeks; I'm going to Metro State College for communication (graphic) design. It still hasn't hit me that I'm going; the experience is a big black void, waiting for me at the end of my mental calendar. I'm also slightly worried that I am overdoing the summer school: I have three classes in June, and will be in class from 8:30-7:30 Monday through Thursday. I'm hoping that there's not too much outside work for my two studio classes; we'll see.

The first weekend after school starts, I'll be heading back to Minnesota for my 10-year high school reunion. I think I will feel much better about it after I find something to wear. I'm heading up to Boulder on Tuesday just to search for an outfit at some of my old haunts there.


I have been temping for the last month or so. I think I might take the next two weeks off and get ready for school (and my trip!). I want to do a full-on space clearing so I can leave behind some of the unhappiness and discontentment I've felt the last couple of years. Financially, this may hurt a bit, but I've been great about not spending too much money, so I still have a bit of money left to do this.
Besides, my last couple of temp assignments have been indistinguishably close to day labor. I don't mind manual work at all. It's being treated like a moron and a criminal that I can't stand. Also pissing me off has been the vague and incorrect instructions I've been given for these assignments: "Go to the mall food court and look for someone in a navy blue shirt. Then ask them to take you to Mike." I can't make this stuff up, people.


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