getting it right

22 April 2009

wish list (incomplete)

in no particular order:

• everyone in my life to get clear on what they need to be truly happy, and then to make extraordinarily thorough progress on receiving/achieving those things. Psychic blockages cleared, fresh-faced, and ready to go.

• a cure for my procrastination

• a legendary vacation where I come back completely relaxed and grounded

• Kiehl's Vital Sun Protection Lotion SPF 30

• new copies of Naked and Dangerous Angels, and perhaps even extra copies that I can just give to people, since I am apparently very fond of lending them out.

• mad tarot reading skillz

• balance between work, play & vedge; too much of the latter at the moment.

• another space clearing with Nicole

• more confidence (what? a gay guy with confidence issues? get Ripley's on the phone!)

• one or both of my parents (& corresponding family members) to move to a major metropolitan area, preferably one that I want to visit


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