bLAh bLAh bLAh
creative burnout--- well not being creative in the ways that i am supposed to be (i.e. for my class assignments). i did think about writing some poetry though.
sleeping waaaay too much- it is my true escape from the feeling of responsibility. Responsible for making all of this work happen and nothing comes of it. Bone dry.
trying to be patient with myself, but days are slipping by and it is frustrating to be in this cycle of sleep, (job), vedge, sleep, vedge, sleep
i am extremely frightened about the future- need to make a large change and am unsure what that will look like right now.
bought Dangerous Angels on this book has gotten me through some difficult times. i think i have read it at least 5 times. cannot say that about many books. jane eyre i have read three times. karen kingston- i have probably read 6 or 7 times.
hamburger mary's crispy caramel chicken salad is the most disgusting food i have ever ordered/eaten. so, so disgusting.
part of me wonders if i should just take a real, balls-to-the-wall day off. i keep trying to force the work and nothing comes of it. would love to have a day just to read magazines and drink coffee. it seems counterintuitive to take a mini-vacay when i've got this massive workload weighing me down, but.... i guess i don't know what else to do. i also should stop by the financial aid office and see what would happen if i flunked out this semester. i think i would have to pay my loan money back, but if i don't then i might just leave.
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