let me sum up my situation with a movie analogy
Remember in The Neverending Story when Atreyu & trusty steed are wading through the ... um... Bog of Eternal Sludge or Dead Man's Swamp or whatever? That's how my life feels right now. It takes forever to do anything. I have a to-do list with next to nothing checked off of it for the last week. Time ticks by with alarming speed.
Need more coffee.
p.s. I have been recruited to be the "volunteer IT guy" in two areas of my life, and it's driving me crazy. Knowing every Adobe CS2 keyboard shortcut does not equal the knowledge to install a wireless card into a PC or resurrecting the fuser on a laser printer. It's not that I don't mind doing these things, it's just that I don't really know what I'm doing. And in both cases, the real IT guys have to come and clean up the mess anyway.
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