getting it right

25 March 2009


I just got back from the ER. Earlier today, whilst getting reunited with badass rollerblading self, I had a pretty serious wipeout and hit the back of my head. I felt fine afterwards thanks to my Natasha Richardson Memorial Rollerblading Helmetâ„¢ and kept going for another hour. I met up with Andy and Cameron for dinner, and got home and was writing an email when my vision started going blurry. I didn't even associate it at first with hitting my head, but it was getting worse fast and really freaking me out. Then I looked in the mirror and my pupils were different sizes, and I was like "fuck! What should I do???" At this point, I felt fine except for those two symptoms (and my increased anxiety levels). So...

I decided to go to the ER, even though I wasn't sure if I should be there or not. By the time I got in to see the doctor, I was pretty dizzy and out of it (yes, even more so than usual!) and the doctor said we should do a CAT scan just in case. It came back normal. I just have a concussion. YAY! So I went and bought Tylenol and now I'm home.

I am absolutely dreading waking up tomorrow to not only a concussion headache but massive aches and pains coming from a body that has done --zero-- cardio/exercise/activity since last summer.

I'm just glad I'm okay. I'm certainly not shy about going to the doctor, but my wallet is, and it's the only reason I hesitated. I was thinking about it in the ER and it is bewildering to me that I was not just like "Something is wrong with me. I am important. I need to do whatever it takes to get help." It was "What if I am having a stroke? What if I need brain surgery? How will I ever pay for it?"

I am going to go decontaminate and then go to bed.

I just sneezed and it felt so, so wrong, like my brain just did a backflip. OUCH!! waah waah waaaaaaaaah!!!

22 March 2009

the last grand night out

Last night was the stuff that memoirs (well, and tabloids) are made of, and perhaps I will write about it once the urge to barf escapes me.

21 March 2009

obsession with Girls Aloud & other randomness

I figured I would be completely useless today, but I have actually been strangely productive. I coated the rest of my screenprinting screens in polyurethane and patched up the frames of the previous batch. I have a pair of Saucony sneakers (which are only two months old) that I accidentally ripped, so I patched them up with duct tape and can use them to paint/print/whatever. I cleaned off two deck chairs, abandoned by the previous tenant, for use on my patio. AND I went to the grocery store. It's like when I have things I need to do, I don't end up doing anything but reading blogs or watching youtube, but if I have a day with nothing planned, I get so much done.

There were previously murmurs about going out dancing tonight, but I can't say I'm interested anymore in a big night out. Or leaving my 'hood for that matter. They are showing Sunshine Cleaners at the Mayan and that sounds like an acceptable night out to me.

BTW, my suicide jumper screenprint edition was a big hit, but I didn't get a chance to photograph it before I schlepped it to school for my grade. Will post photos eventually.

I've had two Girls Aloud songs playing over and over and over again in my head: "The Promise" and "Biology." Both are kind of fractured, and the lyrics seem sort of nonsensical, but both are extremely catchy and have visually intriguing videos to boot. I'm also sort of obsessed with the girls' hair... rather than personas or nicknames like the Spice Girls, they seem to be identified by hair color and style. For a while Cheryl went kind of dark golden blonde (instead of dark brown) and it was really confusing.

17 March 2009


I am feeling a little bit better. Just need a vacation, STAT.

I Quit.

Every Monday night, I scramble to try to have something to show for my design class Tuesday morning. And you know what? I give up. I don't want to go to school anymore. I think I'll get a job at a gas station or maybe The Olive Garden. Fuck you and all of your friends. I hate absolutely everything. Except this video:

15 March 2009

how very dare you

I am going out to a late lunch with Cameron and then to the ballet. Spring break starts in five days and one of those days will be spent in bed reading.

I have toyed with the idea of buying a Kindle for some time. I'm not quite convinced I would actually read more if I had one. I either end up reading the same few books over and over again (a few of which I checked on the website- not available for Kindle yet) or end up reading very ephemeral things like magazines and newspapers and blogs.

Right now I am reading "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" so I can perhaps be able to overcome my fear of talking to people. And of failure. And of success. And of change. The list just goes on and on, people.

13 March 2009

silver screen shower scene

I just got a fabulous new computer and am applying my digital Rubbermaid daisies and lining my virtual kitchen drawers with some fabulous country livin' contact paper.

I am loving how I can install every digital file I own and still have 500 GB left for....? I guess I could start buying movies through iTunes or something? I certainly wouldn't mind having House Bunny. In the future, iTunes Store gift cards will be used as a form of currency, and you can buy or order everything through iTunes- food, mattress pads, radiator valves, massages...

All day I sat around waiting for the deliveryman. I could barely keep my eyes open after yesterday's marathon workday, but I put in a couple of movies and managed to plug through. Also in the future, FedEx autodials your cell phone about 20 minutes before they deliver your package so you can take a decent nap and not experience the rude awakening of waking up to the doorbell.

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08 March 2009

save the trauma for your momma

I'm back, writing in the most boring blog in the world. Kevin and I joke oh, about once every couple of months about a local gay rag columnist (whom shall remain anonymous). In our collective memory, all of his columns were the same: "I'm too busy to write a real column because I have finals at school, and work, and being a busy gay student isn't really all that glamorous!" I guess I feel the same way about this old blog of mine. I need to shake things up a bit. So here goes:

Two months ago, I saw a guy jump off the balcony of his building. I was leaving work to go to the office supply store and saw something out of the corner of my eye flying through the air. It landed in the garden area of the building across the street. There was actually a man feeding his parking meter about ten feet away from the garden, and I thought "well maybe that was just my imagination, because surely if someone just took a leap off of that building that guy would have heard it and done something about it." But the guy fed his meter and left as though nothing happened. I thought maybe it was a pile of clothes or something that someone threw off the balcony, or maybe some kind of construction debris. So my friend Kathleen called me as I am approaching the building and all of the sudden I look into the garden and realzie that whatever landed there was breathing. I got off of the phone quickly and I still did not believe my eyes and could not make out what I was seeing. He was on his back and his feet were pointed towards me. I walked into the garden and saw his face. He had blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth. I had the audacity to ask "Are you okay?" I guess it was a reflex from first aid training in school. His arms were by his side, and his left arm was very broken.

I called 911 and the police arrived in probably three or four minutes, but of course it seemed like forever. I stood about 10 feet away from him, on the sidewalk... for a couple of weeks after this happened, I really regretted not being closer to him, but had a good friend remind me that it was probably better that I didn't touch him in any way because he was, well, broken.

I was on the phone with 911 when the guy started making snoring noises. Then about a minute later he started breathing really really hard, really unnaturally. Then he stopped. I can only guess that he drowned in his own blood. Again, even though there are people on the street I seem to be the only one with this guy, just me and the guy, just me and the guy, until the police arrive and then people crawl out of the woodwork to try to see what is happening.

When the ambulance left, the sirens were on, and I went on with my day hoping that maybe the guy had lived somehow. But later that afternoon, the Rocky reported on their website that he had died. A few days later, they had sort of an obituary column about him. He died on his 27th birthday and had been recently treated for depression. He had a master's in creative writing. A girlfriend. Lots of friends. I went to his Facebook page, and completely and utterly got the chills- his userpic was him lying on his back, on the ground, in nearly the same position that he landed.

Since the would've/should've/could'ves have dissipated, I am still trying to figure out what this means (a neverending task, I know). I still feel very heartbroken about it. The fact that he was motionless and silent when he was falling is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life... the idea that life wasn't even worth flailing for or screaming for or expressing any kind of futile regret for. I am making a print edition about him to perhaps maybe find some kind of understanding of all of this. I think I imagine this image to have the power to turn back time and if not save the poor guy, at least start healing that place & time for me. I definitely feel like this event follows me around, that I reek of it. There are some other kind of um, otherworldly things that have happened since then but it is really not the time nor the place to discuss those here.