getting it right

28 December 2008

trivia champions of the world

So it was just Judy, Kate, and I at trivia tonight and we SWEPT UP. Don't know what it was, but we just had a good night. Also, Paul wasn't there, so that helped. I love Paul but he is a trivia force to be reckoned with.

It was only two weeks ago that I was completely and utterly ill, and I think my body is telling me to take a day off and stay in my PJs and watch Arrested Development. Between moving and working and being sick and recovering from finals, and, well, tequila, I'm worn out. I had a dream last night that I dropped out of school... a thought that has been running through my head these past few weeks. Do I need to take time off? What's my dealie-yo?

I don't want to be *that* roommate who is always at home and never leaves, but I love this place so much it may shape up to be that way. I'm also trying to be conservative with my money and contribute to our recession however I can. Andy is in possession of the Binder of Infinite DVDs so I wouldn't be at a loss for things to watch.

New Year's is coming up and I haven't really thought about it. I think it'd be awkward to ask a guy out for a first date on NYE. I'd say half the time I stay in and half the time I go out on NYE. Everyone puts so much pressure on themselves and their evenings that those expectations often ruin the fun. (I'm not immune to this practice.) I had a really fun NYE in 2001. I was dating Mark and we went to The Grand and got dressed up and everything. Even when I end up staying in and going to bed before midnight, I still wake up the next morning with a tinge of excitement. I may just make some resolutions this year.

I had a strange premonition walking home from work yesterday that February 1st 2009 is going to be an important day somehow. Maybe it's nothing, but I certainly have learned to start listening to all that gobbledygook.

27 December 2008

let there be light

I bought a bunch of Christmas and rope lights at Ace Hardware- 75% off! I strung the Christmas lights on my balcony and am at a loss on what to do about the rope lights. Andy is a lighting master and he suggested putting them in the kitchen.

I am off to work for another day of Quickbooks. Because I am a total nerd, this is not entirely a bad thing. I'm reading the textbook College Accounting on my own. The only frightening things about going to school for accounting are: 1) being in school for even longer and 2) being surrounded by the socially inept. Of course, that kind of describes me, too, so maybe I shouldn't judge.

I went dancing last night at the Hi-Dive. A lot of good obscure house & disco songs, including a 10-minute song that can only be described as Gothic Disco. That was the first time in a couple of months that I went dancing, and I'm a little sore today, but a good time was had by all.

25 December 2008

Merry Christmas

Aside from everything being closed and no one being out & about, this was pretty much a normal day for me. I talked to most of my fam & Kevin on the phone, unpacked, watched Arrested Development, took a nap. Still suffering from All Work and No Play, but thankfully I have tomorrow off & can do more of the same. Maybe I should take the whole weekend off?

home sweet home

My new place ROCKS & I can't believe I get to live here!

I've unpacked the bare minimum needed to survive: blankets, toothbrush, towel, today's clothes. I am spending my Christmas at home getting situated & unpacked. After spending all night Monday night taking everything apart, now I get to put it back together. I didn't do a great job of weeding things out, so I might do a little of that, too. After lugging 30 boxes up a flight and a half of stairs, I definitely am feeling more *choosy* about what I may be purchasing in the future. I would love to be able to digitize the zillion handouts & school things that I've held onto... a full-time job onto itself.

I do miss my fam, and will probably feel that even moreso tomorrow, but it just didn't work out this year.

21 December 2008

from Yahoo! News

What the fuck is this shit? Cheney appears on Fox News Sunday and all of the sudden AP hits their quota for the day. FUCK THAT.

19 December 2008

brini maxwell is a one-handed egg cracker.

17 December 2008


I'm really feeling much better & am in a pretty good mood, too. I was able to eat real, honest-to-god food today... twice! Now it's all about putting back the lbs. that I lost.

Chris & Steph gave me a beautiful belt buckle for Christmas- it's red and actually kind of reminds me of a shell in the way it's textured. Given my recent (somewhat unadvertised) obsession with seashells, it's a pretty great gift.

I started feeling more in the holiday spirit today. But I haven't done one lick of holiday preparation- not even Christmas cards. The only two gifts I'm going to buy are for my niece and nephew. I feel terrible about it, but between being sick and finals and all of the craziness going on, I just ran out of time. My actual Christmas plans consist of staying home and unpacking. Before anyone gets all up in my grill to "rescue" me from being alone on Christmas, I will just say that that is exactly what I want to be doing and am politely declining all other offers. It's my one day off in this shitstorm of a season and I'm going to savor it.

16 December 2008

finally, titles!

Feeling better today, had a productive day at work, too. Trying to get motivated to pack more, and have thus far been unsuccessful. I realized today what my problem is, as far as feeling boring and feeling like this blog is boring, and having nothing to say: all work and no play. It seems like ages since I did anything social. More accurately, it's been a week. I'm working my tripe out trying to get everything together, though, and it just isn't fun to rehash here. I'm actually kind of unhappy with just about everything in my life right now- which is why I'm chomping at the bit to move out of this claptrap and into a decent place. The cold weather not only seeps into this shanty through every wall and window, but it also means that my neighbor is home 24/7, and with him, the stereo surround sounds of the smoothest jazz you can imagine. It would not surprise me if he was operating a bustling dental practice out of his home with the constant barrage of alto sax & jazz flute coming through our shared wall. Needless to say, I've been listening to a lot of Khia.

15 December 2008

Ugh. I went to the doctor this morning. Thank god for health insurance. Not that the doctor could give me anything except anti-nausea pills and advice, but I needed someone to keep my hypochondria in check. I also needed gatorade.

I confirmed one friend to help me move next week, which makes me feel much, much better. I think if he can help me move the stuff I can't carry on my own, I can do the rest myself. I'm paying up in booze and pizza if you're free next Tuesday afternoon, the 23rd.

14 December 2008

so. angry. at. body.


I had only a few precious hours to celebrate the ending of my semester before I became deathly, deathly ill. I am starting to feel a bit better (my fever broke last night), but am seriously questioning if I'm well enough to attend my work's holiday party tonight. Probably not. 

11 December 2008

Ugh. One more exam and I'm done. "I studied really hard for this test... didn't I?" I was going to review some stuff tonight, but decided just to try to wake up tomorrow morning and cram. 

I feel so boring lately because I'm really in my own head. I've got some major changes coming up in the next few weeks and I'm a tad overwhelmed, but mostly excited. The prospect of finding an internship is a little bit daunting but I think now that school is mostly out of the way I'm better equipped to give it an honest shot. 

I went out for beers with my class after our final final critique tonight and I totally felt like a zombie sitting there. I think my brain is fried or broken. I got home, went to Big Lots to find a white elephant gift (and oh boy did I find a white elephant gift!) came home, cleaned a bit, and read my blogs. 

I love how I feel so motivated to tackle the world until I step through my front door. Then all I want to do is watch Celebrity Rehab and eat cookies. CLASS ACT!

10 December 2008

I got to see my new office today- it's a beaut. They're delivering furniture tomorrow, then I get to start moving all of my crap. I also got my textbook in the mail: "College Accounting." It's 1200 pages thick. I was thinking of taking a class in accounting, and this happens to be the textbook I would need if I enrolled in said class. But then I thought I would just get the textbook and see if I can make sense of it by reading it. We'll see. I flipped through it a little bit and didn't understand much. I'm good with accounting, like checkbook balancing and things, but when it comes to larger, more abstract money topics, I draw a blank. Economics, stocks, bonds, insurance, 401k, debt, etc... my eyes just glaze over and my brain turns off. 

I reserved my UHaul... only $20, but I only get four hours apparently. Is that enough time? I don't have a lot of stuff to move, so I guess it'll work. Plus, I'll be in super-anxiety mode and you better believe that my stuff is going to be packed & ready to go before I leave to pick up the truck. Luckily, the UHaul place is on the other side of the highway from school so I could feasibly get there on my own. 

Isn't this post exciting? Accounting and moving vans. 

09 December 2008

You know, for having stayed up all night last night, I'm sure not tired. And I didn't just stay up puttering around my apartment. I was working my arse off getting my artist book edition printed and bound. I finally finished at 3:15 pm... 45 minutes before the thing was due. 

Cameron, Andy and I watched a little Strangers With Candy. Good times! It had been a while since I saw an actual episode (not to be confused with the loop of SWC that plays nonstop inside my head). I cannot believe I'm moving in two weeks. I have done absolutely nothing to prepare. Nothing. Maybe I will be moving with a shopping cart after all. 

08 December 2008

I win at Photoshop.

I am about 85% done with the electronic portion of my book project. I just need to add text and covers, then schlep through the snow to Kinko's, sorry, FedEx Office, and print it off. Then I get to bind. All ten books. There's going to be lots of gluing. 

Then I have to finish my other book project, yes, due tomorrow. 

07 December 2008

OMG Bookmaking!

I am backing up my book project. After spending most of the day moping about having to do it, I finally started. Not much to show right now- just scanning in ephemera and cutting down presentation board for pages. I will probably stay up all night and work on it. Hopefully I can drop the pages off to be printed tomorrow morning when I head to my printmaking critique. 

This is easily the most draining project I've ever done. And for someone who is already pretty thoroughly drained, it's like walking on glass to get this thing going. This is my eighth consecutive semester (including summers) and I'm ready for a long break. 

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06 December 2008

Long time no see

I started this blog over two years ago and only posted three times. As I have no public blog at the moment, I thought maybe it was time to resurrect one. There are plenty of other things I should be doing, but rather than stay up all night to work on my book project, I am waiting for my Xanax to kick in before I go to bed. I actually took one because my back is full of stress-related knots; hopefully I can relax a bit tonight and wake up rested. I imagine if someone came and gave me a backrub right now, it would be akin to fondling a bag of rocks and marbles. 

The book project I am working on is an edition of 10 books, which will be stiffleaf-bound. I am completely and utterly blocked with the content because a) I got a little overambitious and b) it deals with my relationship with my parents when I was growing up, which was strained at best. I love my parents and think that I have a good relationship with them now. I don't believe that they deliberately mistreated me. Their divorce was a bad situation all around and there wasn't a lot of healing or processing going on. I managed to forget about it until recently. It's amazing how these things come bubbling back up with the right triggers.