getting it right

30 January 2009

what a coinkydink

In the past week, I've bumped into, heard about, or heard from about 20 people that I haven't seen or spoken to in weeks/months/years. And I'm not talking about facebook, either.

I have the day "off" tomorrow, which means heading over to the printmaking studio for some volunteer screenprinting. Part of me wants to skip and part of me is telling the aforementioned part, "stop being a baby and go do it!"

29 January 2009

let me sum up my situation with a movie analogy

Remember in The Neverending Story when Atreyu & trusty steed are wading through the ... um... Bog of Eternal Sludge or Dead Man's Swamp or whatever? That's how my life feels right now. It takes forever to do anything. I have a to-do list with next to nothing checked off of it for the last week. Time ticks by with alarming speed.

Need more coffee.

p.s. I have been recruited to be the "volunteer IT guy" in two areas of my life, and it's driving me crazy. Knowing every Adobe CS2 keyboard shortcut does not equal the knowledge to install a wireless card into a PC or resurrecting the fuser on a laser printer. It's not that I don't mind doing these things, it's just that I don't really know what I'm doing. And in both cases, the real IT guys have to come and clean up the mess anyway.

28 January 2009

The Astounding Problem of Andrew Novick

I just got home from the opening of The Astounding Problem of Andrew Novick, which is at The Lab at Belmar. I think I need to go back when there aren't any people there so I can take in the massive amounts of *stuff* without being in anyone's way. It was a very impressive array.

As Americans, we obviously wrap a lot of our memories and emotions into material objects, so seeing some of the items from my past in Andrew's collection was bittersweet. Board games, toys, stickers, trading cards... lots of things that certainly activate a bunch of synapses for me. There were some good memories that came up, but with that comes the knowledge that those people, places, and things are long gone. I probably do live in the past more than is healthy. At least enough to make America's Favorite Leprechaun, Eckhart Tolle, come and bite my knees.

08 January 2009

I need a vodka soda and a back massage. Kthnxbye.

Today was totally opposite of yesterday- I worked a ten-hour day at the store with minimal dramz or anguish. Got much accomplished, with much more yet to do. Feeling pretty good.

Tomorrow night I'm going with Cameron & crew to go see the Colorado Symphony Orchestra play along to The Wizard of Oz. Although, now that I think about it, I'm not sure if they're playing along to the movie or just playing the songs without the movie. I'm not an Oz fanatic, but I haven't seen it in maybe 10 or so years and wouldn't mind seeing it w/live accompaniment. I would really really love if they did a live accompaniment with Amelie. How awesome would that be?!

What if I went out tonight? OMG I'm so bad! J/K I don't have any friends who go out anymore. At least not without a week's notice.

This whole Williamsburg aesthetic thing has just hit Denver and it makes me want to punch someone in the face. Acid wash jeans, ironic fanny packs, rat tails and Sally Jessy glasses. Everyone looks like a 1989 Esprit clearance sale... on a bad day. Let me guess, kids, what comes after that? Oh, grunge? I didn't see that one coming... I think in retaliation for all of this I would like to start dressing only in suits, a la Roman Holiday. I would kill for one great, properly tailored suit.

05 January 2009

I am totally not making this up, I swear to god

Overheard at Broadway & Ellsworth, Denver
1/5/2009 8pm


03 January 2009


Work today turned out to be not-so-great for reasons I won't hash out here. After work I went to an art opening at Emmanuel Gallery w/Andy and Michael. The best thing about the show was a back wall full of art that you could take off the wall and take home with you. I took a print of Adam & Eve that called out to me. I got home and made an awful dinner for myself. Simply awful. I'm not much of a cook, but this was pretty terrible by even my standards.

I'm really hurting for a vacation, but unfortunately don't have the means to take one. At this point, I would settle for two consecutive days off where I'm not on call, called in, or worried about something job-related. Even one day off where I don't have any chores to do. I probably wouldn't know what to do with myself. Actually, I know I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

I was reading about New Year's festivities in Japan. Everyone sends out postcards to their friends & family wishing them a happy new year. I would love to take a day and make/collage my own correspondence. I owe Xena a loooong letter, and owe many thank you cards to various peeps who got me xmas gifts. It would be fun to cut down some 5 x 7 cardstock and spend the day mass-producing postcards. And drink a lot of coffee. And listen to Pandora internet radio.


I feel surprisingly, fantastically, amazingly better! I'm going to take it easy again today. I always overdo it/overcommit to everything and eventually I just get worn out. Hopefully tonight I can get out of the house and do something low-key.

I never did find that piece of my desk and have been wobbling ever since.

01 January 2009

nice shootin', tex!

Cameron took me to the shooting club the other night, and it was fantastic! I had not shot a gun since I was about 13 years old. My grandfather used to take my brother and I out to shoot cans with BB guns & 22s. The other night was the first time I'd ever used a handgun, and Glocks at that. What can I say? Cameron has nice guns!



Last night I wasn't feeling well, so I crawled under the covers and watched Gendernauts, a documentary about gender-ambiguous people living in San Francisco, and Night Watch. The latter was fantastic and when I finished watching it this morning, I was eager to see the next two movies. It was eerie, but not scary. Great film. I actually fell asleep around 10 or so, so no countdown for me this year. I'm disappointed that I'm ill again, but am trying to keep my chin up.